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Sunday, 30 May 2010

FOREX?? Understanding the Trader’s Fear of Risk, Fear of Loss

Understanding the Trader’s Fear of Risk, Fear of Loss

Fear has the power to become your greatest trading liability if it is not understood. Most people are afraid of risk, not only because they are afraid of failure but more so because they are afraid of loss. Let’s look at what research tells us are the reasons that most traders fail. Successful traders agree that these are the things to justly be feared.
The high rate of failure for beginner forex traders (as well as all other securities, stocks etc.) has been found to be directly due to these six things, in order of significance:
Poor understanding and knowledge Undercapitalization Unrealistic expectations Lack of patience Lack of discipline High risk aversion
As we look over this list, it becomes apparent that fear of failure and loss is the by-product of trading without having in place a proper Forex Trading System – one that includes a high element of mind training and a high quality forex education. The last one on the list, high risk aversion, however, is not pointing not merely to a dysfunctional Trading System, it is talking about the need to understand risk in order to succeed...
Clearly if the fear of loss is coming up for you because you are trading money that you cannot afford to lose, this type of fear is a healthy and sane response. If this is the case then forex trading is not the place for you. The Forex Market is considered a High Risk market. Every responsible forex training and trading site makes that same high risk disclaimer in no uncertain terms. That is why stringent risk management should be factored in every single trade you ever enter. However, it has often been said by successful traders that the Forex Market is one of the risk-management safe trading markets for many reasons, which are covered in the beginning chapters on ‘The Advantages of the Forex Market’.

In referring back to ‘seeking what every successful trader has in common’, I am reminded of Charles Sanford, former Chairman of Bankers Trust, who gave the very insightful speech on how the successful view the fear of risk, excerpts of which I have loosely recalled here. I include this because it also serves as such a good example of ‘reframing’ a conditioned belief, and the benefits of proper mind training.

From an early age, we are all conditioned by our families, our schools, and virtually every other shaping force in our society to avoid risk.

My first observation is that successful people understand that risk, properly conceived, is often highly productive rather than something to avoid. They appreciate that risk is an advantage to be used rather than something to be avoided. Such people understand that taking calculated risks is quite different from being rash. The paradox is that playing it safe is dangerous. Far more often than you would realize, the real risk in life turns out to be the refusal to take a risk. In other words, the truly most threatening dangers usually arise when you shrink from confronting what only appear to be the most threatening dangers. What is widely regarded as playing it safe turns out not to be safe at all. As Heraclitus, the Greek Philosopher said, some 2,500 years ago: Nothing endures but change. Most of us have come to agree with this, but its consequences still deserve some reflection. Obviously, if change is the fundamental rule of life, then resistance is folly -- doomed to defeat.

In other words, in a world of constant change, a world where Heraclitus said you can never step into the same river twice, taking risks is accepting the flow of change and aligning ourselves with it. Remember the paradox: Risk only looks and feels like endangerment. For those who understand reality, risk is actually the safest way to cope.

To take a risk is indeed to step into circumstances you cannot absolutely control. There, again, is the paradox: In a world of constant change, risk is actually a form of safety, because it accepts that world for what it is. Conventional safety is where the danger really lies, because it denies and resists the world. I trust you understand that when I say risk is actually safety, I'm talking about a certain sort of risk. I'm not advising that you leap off tall buildings in the hope that the operation of constant change will reverse the law of gravity in mid-flight. I'm speaking rather of a sort of risk that actually aligns you with the direction of change and that the task then becomes learning how to take risks properly.
Reprints are Available Upon Request.

To be more specific, I believe firmly that the sort of risks that put one in a position to control one's lot in a world of incessant change are the risks that attempt to add something of value to that world. To create value, to focus one's efforts on increasing the fund of that which is worthwhile, involves risk. And yet, paradoxically, it provides you with the greatest control over a changing world and maximizes your chances to achieve a truly meaningful personal satisfaction.
This is a good opportunity to add a piece of ancient wisdom: Do not merely seek to follow in the footsteps of the successful. Seek what they sought.
The Characteristics of a Successful Trader
If we reframe the liabilities listed in trader failure list, we can clearly see that the Characteristics of a Successful Trader are:
• Excellent trading knowledge and understanding
• Adequate capitalization
• Realistic expectations
• Patience
• Discipline
• Understanding and Managing Risk

Six ways to develop your mental muscles

 YOU are the key to having everything you’ve ever dreamed. You have amazing talents and unique gifts to give to the world. No one else can make your special offer. These are the things you can do that no one else is capable of doing quite the way you can do them. We all have a purpose, a reason for living, breathing and existing. The most important thing we can do in life is to understand what that purpose is and how we can use it to benefit humanity. We owe it to the Universe, ourselves, our family, others, the future and your legacy. Become significant – think big and serve big.

Expand your mind a bout what’s possible Our minds determine our success or failure. Your mind is your ultimate strength and weakness. Everything begins and ends with your thinking.

YOU Should to do!!
1. Deciding what you whant to do!!
Deciding what you want to do with your life is relatively easy – keeping a positive mindset and staying
with the plan of action takes discipline.

Develop a mindset focused on abundance and possibility to guarantee prosperity. And create a balanced goal list that motivates you to take massive action to achieve your dreams. Deciding what you want to do
with your life is relatively easy – keeping a positive mindset and staying with the
plan of action takes discipline. Having a strong mind, a positive attitude and a list of
goals will enable you to embrace the power you hold over your own destiny.(Chose it right now..or be   lament)
2. Read, read, read an READ

Read something besides magazines and the daily newspaper. They’re mostly filled with negative images and information that creep into your brain mind continum and fester negatively. Read books that motivate and
inspire you. Do a search of motivational/inspirational authors on or in your local bookstore, or read the 100 recommended books listed on my website, and start

Just a few I’d recommend are:
Brian Tracy, Robert G. Allen,
Dr. Wayne Dyer, Jack
Canfiled and Og Mandino.

These are successful people (who were “mentees” under other amazing thinkers) who have taken all of the scientific and spiritual laws of the Universe and created philosophies and skills by which you can also become
phenomenally successful. (cek this out)

3. Be open to learning all you

can from those who have already done the work. They are here and their purpose in life is to help you discover what your purpose is. Don’t be embarrassed or allow your ego to take control of your
mind. We’re all here to learn. Seek out a mentor and submerge yourself in studying

4. Seek out A mentor
I recommend you get mentors in each area of your life for your entire life. Keep having your mentors
challenge you. Decide on a group of people you admire most, whether you know them personally or not?
From that list, figure out who you’d most like to emulate. Then study them. Research and buy any kind of
information you can find on them. If they offer seminars, attend them. If they’ve written books, read
them. If they’ve got tapes, listen to them. (Authors want me to help them with their books. I won’t until they digest my Mega Book tapes and absorb Chicken Soup for the Writer’s Soul.), The secret (R. Bryne)

list of mentors and seek out their websites. Find out their speaking schedule and attend whatever seminars are closest to where you live. Seeing these teachers face-to-face will help you stay focused on your goals and create a permanent positive mindset. My friend, Doug Wead, the world’s best storyteller says:
“Leaders are born at seminars

5. Attend seminars
To reinforce a positive way of life, sign up for and attend motivational seminars. There you will meet inspirational people (and possible mastermind members) and learn new ways of achieving your goals. You can search out seminars via the internet, newspapers , the Learning Annex, or local colleges and universities. Go back to your Think of unlimited prosperity
– the true reality – and you’ll experience unlimited prosperity – ultimately and inevitably, though not

A World of Job Opportunities

So what kind of work can you expect to be doing as a freelancer?
Well, the possibilities are endless. Traditionally, freelancers have worked in creative fields,
and you will still find many ways to make a great living as a freelance writer, journalist,
editor, designer, programmer or photographer.
But  that is just the tip of the iceberg. Nowadays, freelancers also undertake projects such
• completing opinion surveys
• doing data entry
• helping with admin
• link building for web sites
• posting in forums or on Craig's List
• medical and legal transcription
• prooreading
• answering emails and correspondence
• helping with Internet marketing
...or any of a hundred other tasks.
There are so many things you can do - most of them fun, and all of them profitable.

A blueprint for freelance success

you want to be a millionaire, huh? you could be already making money...and this time tomorrow you could have cold, hard cash in your bank account Quite simply, there’s never been a better time to launch a freelance career.

The great thing about freelancing is that you can enjoy so much freedom. You can work
out of a spare bedroom, or anywhere where you have some free space at home. Better still,
you get to enjoy:
• throwing away your alarm clock and choosing your own schedule
• choosing which projects you want to work on, and which you don't
• setting your own rates, to determine how much you earn
• knocking off work - or taking a day off - whenever you feel like it
• taking time out to pick up the kids, do the laundry...or play a round of golf
• freedom and convenience that office-workers can only envy

How you can make a 5 figure income??

Let's get one thing straight before you start. This is not a get rich quick scheme promises of land and does nothing.It takes effort, dedication and determination to overcome setbacks. And it will not a Night.
There is no magic in this article, but there is a logical and easy to follow the plan. In fact it is a project that an independent company to operate effectively and profitably. All you need do is follow the plan and put your independent career into overdrive.

Ok..first time you should:

1. Take control of your life? What it mean?
Freelancing can be a frustrating experience at times, but the benefits are immense. You get to be your own boss, and choose when and where you want to work. You can replace the morning trudge through commuter traffic with a leisurely stroll into your home office. And if you want to work all day in your pajamas, who’s going to object? Freelancers are truly privileged in being able to combine their home and professional
lives in a very positive way. You can take time out to pick up the kids from school, be around to collect deliveries, or just finish early on Fridays for a friendly round of golf. You might choose to work extra hours Monday to Thursday, and earn yourself a long weekend.

The world is changing, and changing fast. Nowadays, the Internet has become the hub of the global economy. And if you are not taking advantage of the opportunities, you are really missing out. Thanks to the Internet and now communications systems, you (and me) may have a very greater choice of location, too. more work with clients in four different continents, against which they have never met in person. Communicate by telephone, email and fax -which means that I can live anywhere they choose. So if you've always wanted to go to the country, or living closer to its members his family, now is your chance. You could sell the apartment in the city high and buy your dream home in an area where the air is cleaner and property prices are lower. Whatever you do, it's up to you. As a freelancer, you're really in control of your life.(sound good to be true?)hehehe but it's true..

2. Build a rewarding career

Your working hours, too, can be very rewarding. Having a wide range of clients means you don’t get stuck in a rut, and you always have the challenge of a new project to look forward to. You can make a real contribution to a worthwhile project, without getting caught up in office politics. And you can build working friendships that may last for years.  Freedom, independence, creative challenges – and a fantastic income in a fast-growing market. It’s no wonder most freelancers say they would never go back to a full-time job.
With the help of Freelancing for Dollars, you can reap all the rewards that a freelance career can offer. But now it’s time to stop planning and start working. STOP DREAMING START ACTION!!

3. best opportunity ever!
How to create wealth in a changing world

Quite simply, there has never been a better time to launch a freelance career. Rapid changes in the way people to do business, the way we use technology, and the way we run our lives have created an unprecedented opportunity for success. Today, you have the chance to enjoy a stimulating career, earn high rewards and enjoy real freedom and quality of life. Of course, the attractions of a freelance career are many. But there are serious issues to consider, too. Where will you find the projects you need to earn a good living? Are your skills really in demand? Is there enough business available to sustain a long-term career? Valid questions, but very easy to answer. Because whatever your skills and experience, you can be sure that demand in the market will outstrip supply. So by following the principles in this book, you will place yourself in pole position to take advantage of the world’s fastest-growing business sector.

There are many reasons why freelancing is such a strong proposition today:
• A booming freelance economy
• The impact of technology
• A huge breadth of skills requirements
• Superb career opportunities.

The booming freelance economy There’s no doubt about it, these are boom times for independent consultants. Highly-skilled professionals who could climb to the top of the corporate ladder are choosing instead to carve out a freelance career. And when you consider how the job market has changed, it’s easy to see why not so many years ago, the concept of a ‘job for life’ was the foundation of the labor market. Companies were expected to offer a long-term career path, in return for a lifetime commitment from their employees.

Guys how things have changed.?

As the pace of business has grown faster, with rapid mergers and continual shifts in direction, the idea of a ‘job for life’ has become a historical oddity. Nowadays, corporate employees are hired and fired with casual abandon – company assets which can be liquidated at any time. In response to this, those seeking a corporate career have learned that job-hopping holds the key to success. Each new position is simply a stepping stone to the next one, a résumé paragraph that propels the employee towards the dizzy heights of another
company’s boardroom. In this environment, the idea of outsourcing work is becoming increasingly attractive
to companies of every size. A freelance professional can bring very specific skills to a
project when they are needed, without the expectation of a long-term commitment. Yet at the same time, a freelance can offer the likelihood of an ongoing relationship

4. How can you get the world 
Many factors have changed the world of freelancing in the last few years, but none so Deep, positively and permanently, and in March of the art. During my career as a writer, the technology has changed - and improved - my work Life beyond recognition. When I started as a journalist hope, I wrote an itemIllegible handwritten corrections at the edges, and then tried to enterAll this is a temperamental machine. I think I was personally responsible for maintaining the value of the shares of companies throughout correction fluidThe early 80s. If someone showed me a word processing program, it was a revelation. Suddenly I couldWords, delete, move text to insert, and products. I was in a green screen sky. I thoughtWhich was as good as it could be - until I saw the first Macintosh (Mac). Well, of course, create or process, we think digital quality for granted. Words, pictures, photos, and more can be produced all or in digitalFormat. But for self-employed and freelancers, which means free from geographical breakLimits.

Until fairly recently, finding work outside your local area was always something of a challenge. Clients would often choose a freelancer not on the basis of skills or experience, but simply on the practical issue of distance.
They needed to be sure you were close enough to send a courier for urgent packages, or for you to drop by and deliver a disk or a document. In a few short years, email has changed all that. Documents, presentations, artwork and all kinds of work can now be zapped around the globe in moments. Courier firms
may be crying in their coffee, but for free agents it means – quite literally – a world of
opportunity. For the first time in history, your location has become virtually irrelevant. You can now
swap files, send voice messages, share documents online and hold video conferences.
Thanks to the Internet and all the technologies associated with it, you can now freelance
not just nationally, but internationally, too.

5. A huge breadth of skills requirements
As companies become more accustomed to the idea of outsourcing, the range of
services they source externally is expanding rapidly. Not so long ago, consultancy work
was mainly confined to a small number of skills, such as IT and advertising. Today,
however, the situation is very different.
Whatever your professional skill may be, you can be sure that there is a ready market for
your expertise. Companies are beginning to understand that using freelancers is actually
a very cost-effective option. While the hourly rates may initially seem high, this is more
than offset by other savings. Because they don’t have to pay employer taxes, office
overheads, pension contributions, medical premiums and other expenses, they can
control costs much more effectively.
So many jobs which were traditionally handled ‘in house’ are now undertaken
successfully by external consultants.
With many more niches needing to be filled, you should have no difficulty in finding a
real market opportunity.
Here are just a few of the areas where freelance skills are now in demand:
• Writing and editing
• Graphic design and art direction
• Web design development
• Software programming
• Marketing and advertising

Friday, 23 April 2010



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Wednesday, 3 March 2010



We know that twitter is one of the most used site arround these days. To prove it, it has 13th position on the Alexa. And alot of people are using this fact to drive traffic to their site, some to their affiliate links or to create buzz. You too can use this to get something out of twitter.

First you will have to sign up at twitter to share your tweets. After you have done that then you will have to get more followers who can see your tweets and if interested can come through the link you posted. The more followers that you have the more traffic or conversion. You can follow people that are in your niche or just go to sites that offer mass follow like or tool like Phoenix Twitter Desktop V3. This will give you good range of users to follow and in return they will follow you. Get the decent amount of followers and keep them growing.

Now getting Traffic from twitter. After you have good amount of followers then try to post a link and see the traffic come to your site like a swarm. Make your tweets interesting, mysterious with latest buzz so people who see that are lured to click the link to your site or affiliate link. If your site is a blog you can use to auto tweet your blog posts so you won't have to post your links yourself.

Now to the Money Making Part. You can use your affiliates link to get conversion and get the cash. And twitter uses a url shortener that will shorten the link for you so people who see it don't see that it is a affiliate link. But you can also track your clicks to the link by using service. At twitter feed you can use its API keys to track the clicks too. It will give you a view of clicks you are getting.

You can also be a Amazon Associates, they have just introduced the direct linking with your affiliate link and help you post in two clicks. For this you have to login to your Amazon Associates Login Page
then go to and you'll see the stipe at the header of the site. And you choose which product you want to use at twitter and then click "Share on Twitter". This will take you to another page to twitter login. After login you will be able to post the details of the product you chose and your affiliate link shortened.

Other way to make money is using from where you can tweet their ads and give you some money. I personally don't recommend them because they don't seem to record the clicks well to fool publishers. I say this cuz i track my links through and i get minimum 5 clicks to the links i post. But they don't show any clicks to their links.

So you shouldn't waste anymore time and start your Traffic or Money Making Journey.

Yes, it's no secret that Twitter can be a tremendous time-suck. But imagine getting paid for wasting those precious minutes of your day.

How are you going to make money with Twitter?

- First of all you need a lot of followers
- When you have enough followers, you need to send
them ads, they click on it and you‟ll start earning money,
that‟s all!

Is this going to cost you a lot of time?

Not at all! I tested this method for you and I found the best and fastest way to earn money with Twitter. So all you have to do is follow this instructions. At First, it‟s going to take some time to create and manage all the accounts, but at the end all you have to do is write some tweets every day, it takes about 5 minutes,
that‟s all!

This is what you need to start earning money
- Twitter account
- Paypal account
- RevTwt account ( )
- Tweetlater account (




The basic goal of this document is to make your AdSense ads look less like ads,

and more like content on your page. It has the second goal of putting the ads exactly where they need to be to draw the most clicks.The AdSense publisher’s problem is that the typical Internet surfer is plagued by “banner blindness”. People automatically overlook anything that looks like an advertisement because of being bombarded with ads all the time. It’s not that they aren’t interested in what the advertiser has to offer. With AdSense you know that they are interested most of the time, since the ads shown are related to the content of the page. The fact that the visitor clicks on the ad is an expression of their interest in whatever that ad has to offer.

What I’ll focus on in this document is not hiding the fact that the links are ads, but putting the ads on the page in such a way that they are not overlooked by the visitor. Google makes it very clear that the links are ads by placing their “Ads by Google” link in the ad block. Bottom Line: To get more clicks, you’ve got to get your visitors to notice the ads by putting them in the right place and making them look less like “traditional” web advertising.

The above table makes it very clear which ad format you should be using. The

336 x 280 large rectangle receives the highest click through rate by far. It is followed by the 300 x 250 small rectangle, and then the CTR really starts to drop off from there.

The reason that these two formats do better than the others depends on which

format you compare them to. The 468 x 60 banner clearly is the worst victim of banner

blindness. Again, “banner blindness” is the fact that most Internet users today are so used to seeing advertisements that anything appearing in the shape of “tradditional” web advertising on a page is subconsciously ignored. The 728 x 90 suffers less from this phenomenon, but it suffers just the same.


Most new AdSense publishers have read that making the border color and the
background of your AdSense ad blocks match the web page on which the ads will
appear will improve your CTR. This is generally true (but not always, as the “Facts and Figures” section reveals). As a general rule of thumb you will see an increase in CTR by making your ad background and border colors the same as the background of your web page.

So, for example, if the background of your pages is white, make the border and

background of your AdSense ads white as well.


The location of the AdSense ads drastically effects the CTR. You don’t want

your ads on the right or left sides of the page (a location often used by new AdSense publishers). You want them as close to the top and middle of the page as possible. This is true because the center of a web page is where Internet users have been conditioned to look for the content. The majority of informational sites layout their pages with their header across the top of the page, the navigation down the left, the content in the center and perhaps more navigation or advertising down the righ.

STEP 4.Doing It Right: Screenshots of Good AdSense Pages

Putting it all together, your pages will get the best CTR if they are similar in layout .Part 2 of the page 300x250 rectangle in the middle of the content

The big question for most reads might be, “Why is Google’s CTR so low?” I
personally believe that the answer has two parts:

1. Adwords. Often the same AdWords ads that appear on search engine result

pages for a set of keywords will appear on the pages that are in those results.

This is true since the content is very similar (which is, after all, why they are in

those results). If a searcher is going to click on one of those ads, he has a good

chance of doing so on the search results page before he ever reaches your


2. Google searchers tend to be more net savvy than other searchers. Google is

often hailed as the “Computer Geek Search Engine”, and those who pride

themselves on being up on technology like to use it. Those who are not “Geeks”

but still use Google do so because they have become net savvy enough to know

that, at least for now, Google still offers the most relevant search results. These

kinds of individuals are quicker to spot the difference between an on-page link

and an advertisement.



Looking for an income opportunity that won't cost you a thing? Ever considered PTC (paid to click) sites or paid to click sites? If not you might want to read the information below what is PTC and PTR

Paid To Click is an online business model that draws online traffic from people to earn from home, Paid To Click or PTC websites are the easiest way to earn money online. Paid to click (PTC) program have became very popular in the past few years. The reasons why so many peoples joined PTC program because of it simplicity, absolutely 100 percent FREE to join and the easiest way to make money online. You don't need to have your own websites, you don't have to pay for website hosting or anything upfront. All you have to do is sign up for free account at PTC websites, click on the advertisements wait for about 30 seconds and you earn money. The cost per viewing advertisement is usually 1 cent per ads. These websites let you make money without extra effort, require no skills, and are free. All you have to do is click a few ads, read a few mails or complete a few surveys.Easy, you simply click on the ads and you earn money.

Paid to click is a very good system for peoples who want to make money online but doesn't know where to start. Everyone can do it and all you need to have is a computer with internet connection. You only need about 20 minutes on your free time per day to to complete each PTC sites while doing something else along for example surfing the internet. Paid to click sites pay their members to look at other peoples websites normally for around 30 seconds and then you get paid for your time. Offer sites will pay you for each offer you complete. Paid to read sites will pay you for each time you visit a site through an email link. Quite a lot of sites do both PTC (paid to click) and PTR(paid to read) together like donkeymails and no-minimum. PTC is usually the program or pay a reasonable $ 0.02 – $ 0.05 per click. Per day is usually 5 – 10 ads (ads) that must be clicked. PTC Sites that is usually an alternative to Ordinary Member and Member Upgraded. Member Ordinary Member is FREE and required to pay upgrade our membership. The difference is more likely to feature some of the payment per click, for example, the price of rental referral, minimum cashout and many more.


1. Email will be used as an identity for us to become a member of PTC Sites. In addition, the Email will be the identity of PayPal account, AlertPay Payment Processor and other. What si paypal??Paypal, is a company that provides online money transfer service via electronic mail, replace the old method that still use paper, such as checks and money orders. PayPal also provides services to the owners e-commerce sites, auction, and other types of businesses. PayPal registration is not charged (free), which is dibutukan fill out the registration form that has been provided. To become a Verified PayPal we must have a Credit Card or Virtual Credit Card (VCC). If already have a Credit Card (Visa / MasterCard) or now in 2010 you can use debit card ..wao..paypal now can make easy than before..yes we can do so verification Verified PayPal Account easy than before because you can use debit card not only credit card full of risk whit verified PayPal you are ready to conduct any transaction using PayPal as a Payment Processor. and what about alertpay??yes alert pay like paypal bicause AlertPay is a payment services and money through the internet or online with a secure and fast. With Alertpay so you can attract all that you have the salary from the business online can attract even a bank account directly to your local banks. Registration does not cost you AlertPay (Free) diferent with paypal alertpay need to fill out the registration form that has been provided AlertPay using several documents to verify your account so you don't need VCC to verified alertpay you just need documents scanner some like driver license,etc

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

2. make sure you PTC sites is not scam you sould see payment proof on the forum..second read the TOS If your logging in regularly and planning to stay with the site long term it's best to check out the terms of service. You can have your account suspended for breaking the TOS. The best example i can think of is upbux or neobux "You can only view ads using one IP address within a 24 hours period" So if like me you hate to miss those visits. Logging in and viewing ads on two separate computers (different locations I think - different IPs) will lose you your account.
3. use Virus protection - I use avira premium security suite that sites protect from Spyware and adware -if you need free virus protection you sould use AVG free edition and make sure you keep your virus and spyware databases up to date



Anyone would love to get paid for surfing the internet, no skills, energy, work needed, most of all never any cost to you but it seems to good too be true. Most internet businesses or home businesses for that matter are pure scam. PTC(Paid to Click) advertising truly is the real deal - just simply click an ad, and get paid! They do not offer anything over-the top or impossible, and the good ones are totally 100% legit.I have been making money by using Paid to Click Sites. It is so simple and fast and the money really adds up. I have researched many sites and found these to be the best legitimate PTC sites on the web. These sites also pay a decent amount. There are some sites out there that only pay 1/10th of a penny or less to view an ad - and to me - that just isn't worth my time. All of these sites also have low payouts and pay by Paypal (along with other means)

If you are fully interested, this page will tell you everything you need to know to get started and make money using PTC's. It is easy to advertise your products or services. You can choose from a variety of click packs. Everyone can see your ads, but only our registered user’s clicks are included in the price. So, you get what you pay for and even more since clicks from outside visitors are completely FREE!

We have put together an exclusive list for beginners to experts of only the best Paid-to- Click guide on the Web, as well as some helpful information about each. You will find that we have included the amount and earnings for ads, the payout information, as well as links to the site. This is all the info you will need to decide which sites are for you. Each of these sites offers from $0.01-$0.025 simply for viewing an ad. PTC sites that display ads for advertisers and then pay you a certain amount per ad viewed. Most of the sites listed here have at least 4-50 ads per day that you can view. Each ad is worth between 1 to 5 cents. Advertisers pay the PTC site for you to click on their ad. You have to view it for normally around 30 seconds, and you are credited with a portion of the money paid for the ad. This is how legitimate PTC's work. If they are offering an extremely high amount for each ad, than it is most likely a scam.You can see that wiew ads can add up quite quickly most of the time it will only take you about 10 to 15 minutes to make this amount of money.

All of our associates are personally a member of each of these sites, there are earning hundreds to thousands per month and we do not promote any site which seems illegitimate in any way. All of them are 100% FREE to Join.All of our associates are personally a member of each of these sites, there are earning hundreds to thousands per month and we do not promote any site which seems illegitimate in any way. All of them are 100% FREE to Join. We only promote the sites that we believe to be reliable and accurate. If the site did not pay us, then we would have no general reason to try to refer people to it, because we focus our efforts on empowering individuals to good fortune and success in life. We strongly encourage anyone who signs up to be very careful and not to spend any of their own money until they have come to trust the site on their own terms, as there are some PTC sites that turn out to be a scam. Our goal is to innovate and reach the seeds of opportunity as well as paid advertisers.

For everyone who's new or skeptical about Paid to Click Sites, this is my way of helping you find the BEST Paid To Click / PTC Sites out there.You don't want to waste all your time and energy clicking for a PTC site only to find out they're scammers, right?Since this is a personal site, maintained by me, I will keep this updated REGULARLY, with all the latest news regarding different PTC sites.You MUST read the guides I have here first if you're new to PTC programs. The links are on the right side. Also, you MUST check the Scam Alerts page, Latest Updates as they are updated REGULARLY.

All the sites that I am going to list are tested and trustworthy sites. We only promote the sites that we believe to be reliable and accurate. If the site did not pay us, then we would have no general reason to try to refer people to it, because we focus our efforts on empowering individuals to good fortune and success in life. We strongly encourage anyone who signs up to be very careful and not to spend any of their own money until they have come to trust the site on their own terms, as there are some PTC sites that turn out to be a scam. Our goal is to innovate and reach the seeds of opportunity as well as paid advertisers.

To get started today, you should just pick a few of these sites and sign up: It’s really easy, you can start earning money in minutes. Increase your earnings significantly! - Invite your friends, contacts, colleagues and others to join. Our top earning associates are referring many dozens of new members every day! Most of them are spending no more than 1 hour a day! Step 1- Register for these Great Paid-to-Click Sites!!!

The ONLY thing I ask - please use my referral links when signing up with the different PTC sites I me..I hope god bless you.Thank you!

2. GREAT SCRIPT  HONEST ADMIN You Will Succeed With Us!

Membership Type : [Standard]    [Silver]       [Gold]   
Pay per click              $0.0100        $0.0100       $0.0100 
Pay per referral click: $0.0040        $0.0070       $0.0100 
Daily Ads | Earning: 4 / $0.04        6 / $0.06       8 / $0.08 
Min cashout | period:$2 / instant    $2 / instant    $2 / instant 
Upgrade cost 1 year:   -                  45                 $75
payment processor: paypal and alertpay
To get to the ads on their site, click view ads and click one by one  Click on the link and then one link on the ad, then you go back and click Submit under the offers. Minimum payout is only $2.00 with Paypal and alertpay.  They pay instantly!


Membership Type :  [Standard] [Premium]    [ Bussiness] [PalmElite]
Pay per click:             $0.0080   $0.0100         $0.0120    $0.0200
Pay per referral click: $0.0050  $0.0100         $0.0100     $0.0100
Daily Ads | Earning:   4 / $0.032 8 / $0.08  12 / $0.144    15 / $0.3
Min cashout | period:$2 / in stant   $2 / instant  $2 / instant    $2 / instant
Upgrade cost 1 year:-                    $70              $250               $850
payment processor paypal, alertpay and liberty

 PalmBux provides around 4 links a day. **Instant Payout**Earnings: 0.8 cent per click How? Log into PalmBux daily to check for links. To get to the ads on their site, click view ads and click red botton see the ads runing and click same alphabet and binggo you get credit. yor need to know you don't use opera use mozilla,iexplore,or another because opera some times can't click the pitiable if you can't get credit.
Payment: Paid via AlertPay and Paypal. The minimum payout amount is set at $2.00 for your first payout request, $4.00 for the second, $6.00 for the third and the subsequent ones $10.00.



Membership Type : [Standard]  [Verified]   [Paid]          [Premium
 Pay per click:             $0.0070      $0.0080        $0.0100     $0.0120
Pay per referral click:  $0.0040      $0.0040        $0.0050      $0.0080
Daily Ads | Earning:   5 / $0.035    5 / $0.04       5 / $0.05    9 / $0.108
Min cashout | period:  $2 / 14hari    $2 / 14hari   $2 / 10hari     $2 / 7d
Upgrade cost 1 year:    -                 $3.5             $25                $90
payment processor paypal and alertpay

look like palmbux to get credit you sould click red botton and see the ads runing 30 sec



PTC/ Paid to Click sites work in two ways. First, there are advertisers who advertises their websites for fees. Secondly, there are the Clickers/ Clicking members who are paid to watch/surf on these advertisers' websites by clicking on their links.The business model of PTC is like this. Advertisers pay a certain amount of fees (Let's take for eg. 10 cents) per click for people to see their site. The PTC Sites will show these Advertiser's sites to their members, who will get a percentage(for eg. 0.8 cents) per click/view for their effort. The difference between the fees paid by advertisers and the fee paid by the PTC site to their members (eg. 10 - 0.8 = 0.2 cents) becomes the income of the PTC Sites.

The reality though is that many of the PTC sites try to lure people in, without getting advertisers, make their members pay them in the guise of buying referrals, investments or any other reasons and split when they collected enough money. Many of these Sites scam people this way. This does not mean that there are no honest PTCs around. There are a couple of PTCs that have been around for 6-7 years without faulting, and with no complaints from Advertisers or Members. To make money from PTC you have to join these Honest and trusted Sites.

The best way of choosing which sites are likely to be honest/trusted and really pay is to do a little internet research and tips in succeding join paid to click

1) Identify the site you think looks promising.

2) Search the name of the site to find out what experience other people have in forums and sites.

3) Find out if they are already identified Scam sites. Eg. put the name of the site followed by the word 'scam' in search engines.Go through the results. Many of the forums and sites have identified scam lists.

4) Make some calculations of your own to find out whether the formula of the business is workable. Example: Say some ptc - paid to click/make money surfing sites offers you 10 cents for every click. And to the Advertiser they offer 1000 clicks for $1. By simple arithmetic you know that this business will not really work because $1/1000 is .1 cent, i.e. not even 1 cent. And they promise you 10 cents per click! Something is wrong here. You can be certain that this site in not going to pay you!

5) Search for 'proof of payment' a large proof of payment mean good, on the internet to see if the site really pays. Take careful note of the date of payment, it could be some years old!

6) If somebody promise you '$5 per click' '$1 per Click', '50 cents per click', '10 cents per click', it is 99.99% certain that it is a scam site. Reality is we'd say more than '1 cent per click' is not viable for PTC business, so one would certainly be sceptical about any site offering more than that.

7) Go through the sites forum, if they have one. Presence of Forums usually means that the site accept criticism/ complains which is a very good thing. And go through the Terms of Service and FAQs carefully. More often than not you can smell if the site is honest/trustworthy, if its a really paying site by examining these attributes.

8) Take calculated risks. Remember this always. Never put in more than you can afford to lose! Because of the nature of the internet, It is a game of risks!

9)Find 7-10 trusted sites which you can visit every day. Look for sites which pay regularly and have active forums.Keep on checking my website. As soon as i find any website suspicious i quickly remove it from my website.

10).Refer as many as you know to your downline. You can send direct links for friends & family or create a site like mine where people can find most suitable PTC for them.

11)after you got enough money to withraw don't you should fastest withraw your money..because my experience I lost my money $67 in when I cancel do withraw now this fucking site gone closed..OMG

13)pray and never give up!! It takes time to get your referral members and sticking to it every day is the only way to achieve it.


What to do when you're Scammed?

If the Site has gone down/turn scam, and you had bought something/invested in the Site, you should immediately go to your payment processor site to file a dispute.

Did you know that you could get back your payments through Paypal within 45 days, in case the seller dishonors your purchase? To do that go to the Resolution Center in Paypal site, open a claim by providing your payment ID and details which you will find in the "payments sent" area of your account. Paypal will take up the case on your behalf and make the seller refund you in case they found sufficient grounds for your dispute.

PAYPAL: "You can open a dispute in the Resolution Center to contact a seller directly and resolve a problematic transaction. You have 45 days from the payment date to open a dispute. Common reasons for opening a dispute include:

* You paid for an item but haven't received it and the seller is uncooperative or nonresponsive.

* You received an item that was significantly different than described.

Click the Report a Problem button in the Resolution Center to open a dispute. Then, provide more information about the issue and post a message to the seller."

The same is true for Alertpay accounts if dispute is filed within 30 days of the payments made.

ALERTPAY: " The following are our terms regarding transaction disputes and resolutions:

AlertPay members may only submit one dispute per transaction. Submitting multiple disputes for a single issue may result in the closure of the dispute without resolution. Disputes between you and a Buyer must be reported through Customer Support at or by calling 1-514-748-5774 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday. Claims must be filed within 30 days of the completed payment.

When handling a dispute, AlertPay will take into consideration the Seller's Terms of Service to which you agreed at the time of purchase. If the service or product has not been delivered as stated, AlertPay's policy will be used in place of the Seller's Refund Policy. "

The same is true for mostly all of the other payment processors. Go to the Site immediately and file your claim.And don't forget to comment on Forums like etc. about the scam or in case you have your own blog or site, put the word out! You can save other people from getting scammed too!

Sunday, 28 February 2010

2th paymentproof

my 2th payment from

Friday, 26 February 2010

payment prooft feb,15,2010

em..low payout mooibux payment

Free members.
Pay per click                $0.0004
Pay per referral click    $0.0003
payout min                   $2         

Pay per click                $0.1000
Pay per referral click      $0.0001
Payment processor: paypal and alertpay

1th payment proof

payment prooft feb,12,2010

wao..great i got 1th payment in just 3 days join..

                                  Standard            Premium    Silver    Gold       
Pay per click              $0.0004                $0.01       $0.02        $0.03
Pay per referral click     $0.0001          $0.0002    $0.0003    $0.0004
Payout minimum         $0.05                $5.00         $10.00      $15.00
Max. direct referrals     400                 300             200            100
Max. rented referrals     100                 250             500          750
Max. daily messages     5                        10             15            20
Renting referrals         $0.04                 $0.08        $0.12      $0.16
Recycling referrals       $0.02                $0.04       $0.06       $0.08
Extending referrals         $0.04              $0.08       $0.12       $0.16
Payout method             Manually    Manually    Manually    Manually
2nd Payout Request         30 days    30 days    30 days    30 days
First Payout Request         30 days    30 days    15 days    15 days
Maximum Cashout          1.00             5.00         10.00    15.00
Number of Ads           Unlimited        30             30           30                 
Upgrade premium                              $3.00    $6.00    $9.00
PAYMENT POCESSOR:alertpay and paypal

my 1th payment:

payment prooft spiderbux join jan,30,2010 and paid feb,3,2010

wao..great sites..verry low payout..and and payout change from $0.01 to $0.04


Pay per click             $0.0005         $0.001     $0.01
Pay per referral click $0.0002         $0.0005    $0.005
Payout minimum        $0.01             $0.01        $0.01
Max. direct referrals   250               250            250
Max. rented referrals 250               250             250
Max. daily messages  10                50                 50
Renting referrals          $0.05          $0.05           $0.05
Recycling referrals      $0.01            $0.01         $0.01
Extending referrals       $0.05          $0.05        $0.05
Payout method             Manually Manuall         Manually
premium                                          $1.35         $60

Friday, 29 January 2010

want to learn how to make money online?

want to learn how to make money online?or start up their own Paid To Click site?Here you learn about running a site and how to make it profitable and Really profitable! this telling to guide, resource- and community site for people to makes earning $100 per month or $10,000 per month!Our test site generated between $8,000-$10,000 every month.. join click this